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Headquarter and Corporate Services
Honiara Solomon Islands

(+677) 22856, (+677) 25081, (+677) 25082, (+677) 25083

(+677) 25084

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Thursday, 06 February
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Screening of Survey Report Form

  • Completed Survey Report Forms are screened for approval by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies (ROC).

Cooperative society granted special permissions

  • If a Survey Report Form is approved by the Registrar, the following permissions will be granted to prospective cooperative societies:
    1. Permission to hold general meeting to elect committee and;
    2. Permission to form by-laws and;
    3. Permission to raise share capital.


Further Information

The first general meeting can either be held immediately or not later than one month after receipt of certificate of registration from Registrar (Section 22 of Cooperative societies Act).