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Headquarter and Corporate Services
Honiara Solomon Islands

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Tuesday, 25 March

The Trade Disputes Panel (TDP) is a labour dispute mechanism of the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration (MCILI). The Panel functions as a tribunal and is established by the  Trade Disputes Act 1981. The Panel conciliates or if necessary, arbitrates on industrial disputes between employers and employees and was established as a practical measure to avoid industrial disputes having to go through the formal court process which can be both time consuming and costly.


We want to be recognized as an active partner in the settling of industrial disputes between employers and employees.


The Trade Disputes Panel is a mechanism being established to enhance effective settling of industrial disputes between employers and employees. Staffed with dedicated officers, we are committed to ensure that complaints being forwarded to the panel for its consideration must be efficiently attended to and the panel to effectively dispose them with the available resources at hand. In order to keep abreast with the changes in information and technology, our staff will be required to attend short term trainings to help them improve their work performance in the work place. Further, we are committed to ensure that modern technologies are available for us to efficiently implement the policies of the government of the day entrusted on us through our ministry. We want to continue to maintain our cordial working relationship with the other divisions of the ministry and also other stakeholders who may have interests in the functions of our division.

Core Functions

The core functions of this division are:

  • Conciliate and arbitrate on Trade Disputes
  • Conciliate and arbitrate on Unfair dismissal claims
  • Review Trade Disputes Panel

Knowing more about the TDP

Our Sitting Structure.