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Headquarter and Corporate Services
Honiara Solomon Islands

(+677) 22856, (+677) 25081, (+677) 25082, (+677) 25083

(+677) 25084

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Tuesday, 25 March

InvestSolomons works closely with its key stakeholders from key Government line Ministries and departments.

A copy of a notification letter of approval of Certificate of Registration (Foreign Investment) is sent to the key stakeholders each time a foreign investment is approved. InvestSolomons’ key stakeholders and partners are:

  • Companyhaus Registry: Registers Companies. Every registered Foreign Investment is required to register under the Company Registry.
  • Labour Division: Work permit for foreign employees. Registered investors are required to apply for work permit(s) for its foreign workers to the commissioner of Labour.
  • Immigration Division: Approval of the Provisional Investor/Long Term Employment visas for foreign employees is handled by the Immigration Division. Applications for these visas are made to the Director of Immigration.
  • Inland Revenue Division: Approval of Tax Identification Number (TIN). All businesses, companies and foreign investments operating in Solomon Islands are required by law to apply to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue at the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT) for a TIN number.
  • Provincial/Town Head Quarters: Approval of Business Licenses. Solomon Islands has a total of nine provinces apart from the capital Honiara. Entities operating within the jurisdiction of each of those provinces are required by law to apply to the respective headquarters of those provinces for an approval of business licence(s). For investors wishing to operate in the capital city Honiara, a business license must be sought from the Honiara City Council (HCC).
  • Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI): The Central Bank of Solomon Islands can make a request to InvestSolomons for specific data of foreign investment as required by the CBSI which include Registration of new Investments. .