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Honiara Solomon Islands

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Tuesday, 25 March

Infrastructure development is essential to the future prosperity of the Solomon Islands. Right in the heart of the city is the main shipping Port.

The capital city has a double lane tar sealed road that runs through it, and now road improvement is underway especially the Kukum High Way. The main international airport is accessible by tar sealed road from the capital Honiara. Provincial government headquarters also have access to domestic airports, electrical power supplies, and generally wharves.

The government through the Minstry of Infrastructure & Development is improving the infrastructure within the capital city and provinces. Although the task is huge, there are encouraging signs in most areas.


Electricity is readily available within the capital city Honiara and to suburbs near the city. However, it is prudent to consult with the power authority, Solomon Power (SIEA) on individual power needs. Outside of Honiara, major projects such as the Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil company, generates its own power. Generally, the headquarters of the major Provinces of Solomon Islands have access to electrical power. Solomon Power is a State Own Enterprise (SOE) of Solomon Islands.

For more information visit  Solomon Power Website.


The Solomon Islands international shipping services are provided by Swire Shipping.

The shipping service uses its East South East Asia service to service the Solomon Islands through New Zealand and has a service from Australia to Honiara. Additionally Swire Shipping also provides a service from South East Asia to the Solomon Islands. The services provided are multi-purpose services capable of carrying
containers (dry and refrigerated), break-bulk and project cargo. In addition, there is a transshipment service connecting Europe and the Solomon Islands. Also, there are domestic shipping services offered by the business/investors to connect Honiara to other Provinces. Some of the ships can reach the remote part of Solomon Islands.


Solomon Islands water authority, Solomon Water has embarked on upgrading water supply systems for both the nation’s capital Honiara,Noro in Western Province and the Malaitian capital, Auki. The three urban centers are the most populous in the country and are where a lot of commercial activities are carried out. Solomon Water, along with its partners and stakeholders, is continuously looking at ways of improving water supplies throughout the country. Solomon Water is a State Own Enterprise (SOE) of Solomon Islands.

For more information visit  Solomon Water website  


Although the Solomon Islands has a road network of almost 2000 km spread over 30 islands, only about one-fifth of the national population has access to land transport, mostly on Guadalcanal and Malaita Provinces. The situation is improving as successive national governments have in recent years, placed a priority on maintaining and improving Solomon Islands’ road networks. Road improvement is a main project by the Government though its key agent (Ministry of Infrastructure) with the key partners and stakeholders.


The international flight situation has improved markedly since the introduction of competition a number of years ago. This was the introduction of Open Sky Policy in 2005. No less than three airlines, including national carrier Solomon Airlines, currently offer affordable, comfortable and reliable services on the three hour flights between Honiara and Brisbane in Australia. Solomon Airlines also flies a Sydney route and flies to other Pacific Islands destinations. The national carrier underwent a significant staff restructure in 2009 to reduce its payroll and increase efficiencies. Its customers now have the option of booking their flights online. Also, Solomon Airlines provides domestic regular daily services to the provinces. The Ministry Civil Aviation of Solomon Islands is in charge of aviation matters in Solomon Islands.

For more information visit the  Solomon Airlines Website.

Wharfs and Sea Ports

Honiara and Noro Ports are the international sea ports in Solomon Islands. Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA) is in charge of sea ports matters. With the launching of newly built international port at Point Cruiz – Honiara in 2016, it’s the milestone that the government through its argent (SIPA) is improving this sector. Also, there are legislation reforms being conducted within SIPA to ease logistical processes, onsite developments and improvements. Also, there are domestic wharfs in the provinces that support domestic shipping services which duly owned and managed by the respective provinces.

For more information visit the  Solomon Islands Ports Authority website.


Telecommunication Services

The recent telecommunication industry leads to improvement in the telecommunication services. The two telecommunication operators are Solomon Telekom and Bmobile (started in 2010). The telecommunication coverage is ranges from Shortland Islands (Western) to Tikopia (Eastern). The GSM mobile network covering all provincial headquarters townships and villages and as well as the lineline system. Radio Broadcast Station lead by the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) and FM stations in Honiara and key provincial capitals.  Television Broadcast Station transmitters are located in Honiara, Auki and Gizo. Internet Service Providers are Solomon Telekom and SATSOL. The Undersea Cable is Government’s key priority project to improve internet services in the country. This is an on-going project by the national government.

For information visit the following key websites: