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Tuesday, 25 March

The launching of the Labour Market information (LMI) training workshop and Survey program roll-out was done on the 1st of September 2021 at the All Saints Mother’s Union conference room venue.

It was attended by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration (MCILI),  the National Statistics Office representative, and the labour officers.

The training workshop is for the labour Officers and will carry on for three days.

Figure 2: Ministry of Commerce PS making his remarks during the workshop launching. Sitting on the far right is the Deputy Commissioner of the Labour Division. In his remarks the PS MCILI stated that the labour market information and the survey rollout program would be conducted throughout the country in the coming weeks and months.

He then went on to appreciate the collaboration and the official recognition given by the National Statistics Office on the LMI program, as one of the program priorities under the current Government Development reform programs and as one of the priorities for MCILI reform program. These will certainly enable the LMI Survey project to be conducted under his Ministry.

Figure 2: Ministry of Commerce PS making his remarks during the workshop launching. Sitting on the far right is the Deputy Commissioner of the Labour Division.

He further emphasized that it has always been the DCGA belief that through consultation, dialogue, negotiation and entering into agreements, that good transformation and possible social and economic improvements would be achieved. Such plans that the DCGA Policy Translation and Strategy consolidates its direction and values policy redirection.

“It is through the DCGA Government Policy redirection programs 2021, that provides the opportunity for his ministry, MCILI, through labour Division to identify  a strategic and deliverable program not only to support the Government objectives but also to all players in the economy, as enshrined in the DCGA Policy Statement”.

The PS added that the country currently lacks comprehensive LMI data with expected minimal labour force information data. This information is crucial and significant for all sectors, as they are the key indicators and tools used for planning, policy formulation, indicate potential investment opportunities, human resource development, industrial and economic growth in the country. Although there will be minimal information expected to be captured from the national census, it still bears inadequate data information as required.

It is understood that the Labour Division within the ministry is currently developing and formulating the National Employment Policy together with other labour-related reforms for the country, the LMI Survey and Labour Force Survey are the key milestones.

Meanwhile the Permanent Secretary MCILI Riley Mesepitu emphasized that Through the LMI, the actors in the labour market will be aided with vital facts. It is through such information where the analysis on the facts can be done and a legitimate grounds for decisions.

“These may include policy-makers’ actions for better matching in the labour market, individual education and career choices, and company human resources strategies. The availability of such information on skills supply and demand creates an opportunity for better choices. For instance, individual career choices, policy visions or company strategies should be based on LMI information”, Mesepitu stated.

In addition, it is essential that education, skills and employment policies, labour market matching should be supported by national development plans, industrial policies or migration policies. These are the advantages of having labour market Information (LMI). It will support and provide for these developments.