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Headquarter and Corporate Services
Honiara Solomon Islands

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Tuesday, 04 March

The Labour Division is the governmental department responsible for setting national labour standards in line with the standards and principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The Division advocates for employees’ rights including safety, workplace participation and good governance. It also has in place a labour dispute mechanism that it operates together with the Trade Dispute Panel (TDP) {link to TDP Page} that focuses mainly on Trade Union recognition for employees, claims of unfair dismissals and trade disputes. The provision of standardized trainings for employees and sometimes, employers is also a concern of the Division.

Our Vision

The Labour Division is committed to being an efficient labour market information provider, advocator of employees’ rights and good governance as well as to being a valuable labour law enforcement agency.

Our Mission

The Labour Division will provide effective, efficient and quality advisory & enforcement roles to all employees & employers in Solomon Islands by conducting regular reviews at the enterprise levels to ensure effective compliance to applicable National & International labour laws, standards and acceptable work practices. The Division is also committed to the allocation of adequate resources and to establishing an integrated management system to ensure the efficient implementation of applicable labour legislative requirements. In this pursuit, the Division is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment as well as to promoting, through awareness activities, the need to minimize aspects and impacts of industrial activities on the physical natural environment.

The Division is also committed to building a culture of dialogue amongst its stakeholders and business enterprises to help boost economic development for the benefit of all Solomon Islanders, and to broaden acceptance and observance of Tri-partite principles and standards through on-going dialogue with constituents. We will create an environment for improved Employers and Employees relationship conducive to high productivity and institutional Capacity Building of the Department and Social Partners. Setting realistic but challenging objectives annually will be part of our continuous improvement in delivering planned andon-going services expected of the Department. We will also develop, promote productivity excellence through up-skilling of labour force, promotes apprenticeship scheme, & National Trades Training and Certification.


  • Encourage employment opportunities together with partners and stakeholders and enforce labour laws to protect employees and raise employer awareness of their rights and obligations under these laws.

Core Functions

  • Provide employment Services
  • Trade Testing and Certification Services
  • Issue work permits to overseas workers
  • Handle cases of trade disputes together with the Trade Dispute Panel.
  • Ensure occupational safety.
  • Ensure compliance with international labour standards
  • Enforcement of labour laws.
  • Ensure good relations between employees and employers


Knowing More About the Labour Division
